Wednesday, January 23, 2008

9 Out of 10 Doctors Smoke Camels

Most of you will know the title if you have seen the old school Camel cigarette ad that showcases doctors with their patients puffing on a Camel. But let me get to the reason for this post. I have been thinking about writing a post about smoking for a while now. With all the TRUTH commercials out there and the recent smoking ban in Chicago, it has become an increasingly prevalent topic in society.

I have always had a problem with the TRUTH commercials. I think that they have a distorted view of big tobacco and of smokers. They are part of the reason that smokers, like myself, are seen as criminals. I am constantly told that I started smoking because of Joe Kool ads or Marlboro Man. But this is not the reason why I started smoking. It all started that faithful day back in Michigan when I was 16. My friends and I would always meet up at a pool hall out by our houses after classes. They were all older then I was so they were of legal age to smoke. But it wasn't them, it was the representative from Marlboro that searched me out and put a gun to my head forcing me to smoke. That's ridiculous. I started smoking because I got a buzz at the time and I wanted to. That's the reason. Don't tell me that Joe Kool ads had so much influence on me that I started smoking.

I started smoking because I wanted to start smoking. Why do I continue to smoke knowing all the health consequences? Yes, I know that there are consequences to smoking. I continue to smoke because I like smoking. It calms me down, it gives me time to think through something, and it goes great with a beer. Why do all smokers and I have to be seen as just a pawn in big tobacco's game? If I want to have one, I mostly likely am going to have one.

As I had mentioned I have wanted to do this for a while. But I needed a spark. Please pardon the horrible smoking pun. About fifteen minutes ago, I went outside in the freezing ass cold to have a smoke before going to bed. As I took the second hit of my smoke and still enjoying the warmth that I had, a puck ass kid on a bike was riding down the street and yelled out "Smoking is bad for you". Have you ever blinked and seen a whole chain of events go down in your mind in a split second. Well if you have, then you will understand. In my mind i chased the kid down, pummeled him to the ground and forced him to chain smoke. But then my eyes opened and so did my mouth. "Thanks for the fucking news flash asshole, isn't there a poetry reading or Dashboard confessional concert you should be at?" Who the fuck does that kid think he is? I am standing on the stoop of my apartment building having a smoke and not bothering anyone. There was no one coming down the sidewalk that would have to smell my smoke. We are in Chicago in the winter, so I know damn well that the piece of shit on his bike didn't have to smell my smoke. Keep your opinion to yourself.

So this serves as a warning. DO NOT TELL ME SMOKING IS BAD UNLESS I KNOW YOU. I have had comments walking to the train, standing in front of the building I work in, and now I have dealt with it at home. There are far worse things going on in this world. Please start with them. And then when smoking becomes the biggest problem, come knock on my door.


Anonymous said...

I forgot what movie it was from, but the best quote I've ever heard about smoking is:

"Smoking isn't cool...smokers are cool."

CO said...

Well, you know how I feel about cancer sticks lol...but you're definitely right. Too much blame is placed on advertising, and not real life experimenting. I love picturing you shouting at the kid on the bike. Classic!

Garden Fresh Market said...
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Garden Fresh Market said...

I think the movie was "Thank you for Smoking"? I could be absolutely mistaken though.

On another note, are we still on for 3:30 Smoke break/ Sponsorship meeting? I rather enjoy inhaling your 2nd hand smoke. HAHA