New Years is a very different time of the year for many. This is the time that we decided to make life altering changes and try new things. The gyms will all be packed till the end of February and Krispy Kreme stock will take a small hit. But that is the way it goes every year. People make huge promises to themselves and only about five percent of those people actually stick to their resolution. I am not going to claim that I am completely innocent in this situation. But the difference in my case is that I usually just don't make New Years Resolutions. This kind of cuts out the whole failing part. If I am going to do something it is because I want to, not because of what month or year it is.
It is funny to watch how different people celebrate New Years. For many, there always seems to be that underlining common denominator of friends and booze. This is how I chose to spend my New Years Eve ushering in 2008. Our group of friends had a hard time deciding where to go for the night. So a couple of them stepped up and made an executive decision. We all went online and got our tickets for the Evil Olive, a bar that none of us had ever been to before. but it turned out pretty well. The bar was decent and the drinks were top shelf. One of the best part of this particular party was the fact that there was not a ton of people there. Since there were so many options for options for people to explore, the bar wasn't wall to wall people.
The night was turning out great. I had been drinking Johnnie Walker Black all night and we had talked the female bartender in giving us rounds of Patrone shots. Luckily, her manager didn't find out until after the 6th round. This is how I knew I would get that $90 back that I had paid to be there. But close to midnight, she was scolded and we no longer were allowed shots. Midnight hit, the balloons fell from the ceiling and everyone was happy. Friends were hugging and wishing each other a Happy New Year. I was very pleased with the way the night turned out. Until the bus boy came up to me at 12:02 and insisted that I put out my cigarette because the new law was in affect. I wasn't to pleased at this point. It could have been the Johnnie Walker or it could have been my addiction, but no matter what it was I was not pleased. At that point after the celebration, I was ready to go.
Just to add a little more to the night, here comes a douche bag. The group that we had went with was about 16 deep. Some of these people I had never even met before, friends of friends. But there was a guy that I had met a couple times before but never really made any attempt to become friends with since he was a complete tool. But I was civil and was nice because a couple of my friends were cool with him. Next thing I now, he's chirping in my ear about shit. Asking me if this girls dating anyone and trying to convince me drunkenly that he wasn't pretentious. I had mentioned that U of M grads are for the most part pretentious assholes to find out that he was a U of M grad. I finally just walked away from him. About twenty minutes later he was getting in the face of one of my best friends. I went up to make sure everything was cool. The douche was saying that him and one of his friends wanted to fight me and my friend. Of course he had already had a couple of drinks so we just blew it off as a joke and thought nothing of it. But he kept it going for another fifteen minutes about fighting us and blabbering on about nothing. His friend was trying to contain him but was having a hell of a time convincing the kid that fighting on New Years is just plain not the time to start a ridiculous fight. But he wouldn't listen. Most of his problem was with my buddy. As you could probably figure out, this entire situation stemmed from a girl. But I won't go into any more detail on that. people were coming up and letting us know that if something did happen, that they were behind us. But why does it have to come to this? Why do people get a bunch of liquid courage in them and want to prove their manhood?
Luckily, the asshole decided to just get his coat and leave. I think we actually just gathered a small group and walked out of the bar without saying anything to the rest of our friends. Everyone crashed after a few games of Guitar Hero and that was that. I came to find out the next morning that the girl that was the reason for the ridiculous pissing contest had gotten a drunken text message from the douche bag. I shall close this post with his text.
"Hope you had a good night tonight you whore. Go get an AIDS test."
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OH.... MY.... GOD....
From now on I will be texting that as a "hello how do you do" to everyone and anyone. THAT IS GREAT!!!!! least you can't say that your New Years was boring LOL.
I'm Trying to put two and two together and figure out who the "Buddy" was...but I'm thinking his name started with an "M"
Is that correct?
At least your New Year wasn't a High School Reunion!! That's what mine was...and we both know how much I liked High School lol But it turned out pretty good over all. I can't complain! ;)~ least you can't say that your New Years was boring LOL.
I'm Trying to put two and two together and figure out who the "Buddy" was...but I'm thinking his name started with an "M"
Is that correct?
At least your New Year wasn't a High School Reunion!! That's what mine was...and we both know how much I liked High School lol But it turned out pretty good over all. I can't complain! ;)~
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